If you visit our shop you will find at least 150 different types of fish.
A small selection from our range: Malawi cichlids, discus, dwarf cichlids, community fish, salmon, tretra, South American cichlids, moonfish, corydoras, ancistrus, guppy, swordtail, platy, fire neon, botia, otocinclus, cardinal tetra, hatchetfish, pufferfish, neon tera, Chinese danio, gourami, barbels, pond fish, L-numbers, catfish, snails, crayfish, shrimps and many other aquarium and pond accessories!
However, it may happen that a certain species has just sold out or that there are fewer specimens swimming around than desired.
Curious if a specific species is present? Feel free to call 0113-268072.
Prefer quantities of a type? Then please feel free to contact us so that you do not come by for nothing.